Today (April 12th), for those of you that pick the Dial up on Wednesday, the WRTO is sponsoring a LuLaRoe shopping event at Double K’s (upstairs) from 5-8 pm.  Come browse and try on the one-of-a-kind, comfy and stylish apparel.  Here’s a great reason to meet your girlfriends and relax for an hour or two!

Boscobel Bowl & Banquet is having a comedy show this Saturday, April 15th.  Chicago-based comedian, Jay Harris, is performing a “Tax Relief” Show.  Cover charge is just $5.00/person.  The show begins at 8:00 pm, so come early to get a good seat!  There will also be a 50/50 raffle!

Saturday, May 6th we are sponsoring the 1st Trek the Trail, a 5 or 10 K fun walk/run, at the Boscobel Depot Museum.  For $25/single, or $75/family (which includes 2 adults and 2 youth), you will get a t-shirt and a timed race, with medal awards going to all 10 K finishers.  After April 25th, cost will be $25 for each entrant (with no t-shirt).  Packet pick-up and same day registration will be available at 8 am, with the run/walk starting at 9 am.  The course will start at the Depot, follow the Sanders Creek and Wisconsin River Trail to the Von Haden Boat Landing and back to the Depot.  Go to http://www.wirivertrail.org/services/trek-the-trail-5k-10k/to register and pay by PayPal.  If you wish to pay by check, simply print off the registration form (found on the above website), and mail to WRTO, 125 Vista Place, Boscobel, WI  53805, or come early and sign up the day of the event. There are also forms available at Suppz Gym in Boscobel.  Sponsors include Community First Bank, Gunderson Boscobel Hospital and Clinics, Bemis, WRTO, Boscobel Chamber of Commerce, BMZ, Suppz Gym, Krachey’s BP, Superior Trophies, and Accurace Timing.  Thank you to our sponsors for creating a fun event for our region!  Come enjoy some spring weather!  Trek the trail with us!

Boscobel’s Old National Bank (formerly Anchor Bank) is having a contest for non-profit organizations and donating $1000 to the winner. All you have to do is go to the bank and register the Wisconsin River Trail Organization as your choice. The top voted winner gets the donation! OR, you can stay right where you are, go on your computer and type inhttps://www.oldnational.com/specials/community/choose-your-charity, and fill in the Wisconsin River Trail Organization, 125 Vista Place, Boscobel! You can vote every single day through May 12th.  Everyone over the age of 18 at your house can sign up. Please help us raise this extra money to pay for engineering costs for phase 2A. What a great opportunity and thank you to Old Nation Bank and their employees!


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