Wisconsin River Trail News

Wisconsin River Trail News
A huge thank you goes out to all who came to enjoy The Taste of Boscobel with us! We had the very best time! Awards for the best beer went to Wisconsin Brewing Company, best wine was awarded to Spurgeon Vineyards, and best food was awarded to Castle Rock Inn. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Kerry at Double K’s for hosting the event, Tom and Boston Jones, Greg Patchak, Jeff Lee and Loyd Jones, and Jonah Zimpel for providing our entertainment, and all the amazing vendors that provided amazing samples of what Boscobel and the surrounding area has to offer. We appreciate the support we had (despite the cold weather!) and look forward to planning next year’s Taste of Boscobel!
Our next event is the 3rd of July Rooster Andy’s Chicken BBQ at Kronshage Park from 11-3 pm. For $10, we will have Rooster Andy’s ½ chicken, potato salad, baked beans, roll, drink, and a dessert. Deliveries will be from 10:30 – 2 pm as well. Our goal this year is to sell 100 more tickets than last year, so 800 tickets, here we come! Please contact any board member or request a ticket by going on our Facebook site, Wisconsin River Trail Organization. We look forward to kicking off the Boscobel 4th of July events with a great meal surrounded by our family and friends!
Rule Construction is slated to begin construction on phase 1 of the trail on May 31st! What a wonderful trail we’re going to have when we connect Boscobel with the Von Haden Boat Landing! We could not ask for a better city staff, common council, Chamber of Commerce, and supportive businesses and individuals that have helped to make this trail a reality. Yeah US!
There’s going to be a CIRCUS! Mark your calendars! Thursday, August 11th, the Big Top will be in town! There will be two shows that last 90 minutes each, starting at 5:00 and 7:30 pm. Lions, tigers, horses, jugglers, high-wire acts, clowns, and lots more talent will be coming your way! Pre-sale adult tickets will be $10. Kids and senior citizen tickets will be $7.00. Tickets will be on sale at local businesses soon. Please look up www.cmcircus.com to see all the fun events our circus will entail.
Amazon has sent US a CHECK! Did you know when you shop at Amazon online, if you use www.smileamazon.com instead, and enter the Wisconsin River Trail Organization as your charity, that Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase cost to the WRTO? It’s easy to do and free to you! Here is a direct link to donate: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/46-5278938
Our next meeting is June 7th at 6:30 at Double K’s in the back room. We will be discussing many upcoming fundraisers and the community events listed above, as well as beginning our plans to have a great breakfast/lunch at Boscobel’s Farmer’s Market in the future. Everyone is invited and no one is required to do anything except show your interest in the WRTO!

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