Horse-drawn Sleigh Rides slated for Feb 11th

Let’s go for a sleigh ride (and pray for snow)!  Saturday, February 11th from 12-4 pm at the Kronshage Park, the WRTO is sponsoring a horse-drawn sleigh ride and snowshoeing event.  For $5/person or $20/family, with kids 3 and under free, you will enjoy a ride around the park.  There will be hot chocolate and hot dogs available.  Bring your sleds and enjoy the whole afternoon.  To reserve and guarantee your spot, call Tonia at 608-391-0113, or show up and jump on!  If the weather is inclement or there is little to no snow, the event will be cancelled.  Stay tuned right up to the moment by visiting our Facebook page, Wisconsin River Trail Organization, and clicking on the event.  This event is always so much fun!

Now for the BIG NEWS….Tremor and Fast Action are getting together to perform for us on Saturday, March 18th from 7-11 pm at Boscobel Bowl & Banquet!  Cover charge is $5.00, with a 50/50 raffle and the heads or tails bead game too!  We’re looking so forward to enjoying our good old days again and dancing the night away.  A big thank you goes out to the members of Tremor and Fast Action for bringing back our favorite hometown bands!

Do you have quality clothing and/or housewares that you don’t use and want to get rid of?  Classic Reruns will take your gently-used items as a Wisconsin River Trail donation.  Just drop it off and let Deb know it’s for the WRTO.  Every penny helps us raise funds for phase 2A!

Due to the response to our brick fundraiser, we have decided to keep our December special prices indefinitely.  Please go to to view our options.  Bricks will be placed at a flagpole monument at the Von Haden Boat Landing in the not-too-distant future.

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